Art Charter for

Climate Action

What is ACCA?

For the first time ever, the Art Charter for Climate Action (ACCA), will bring together a wide range of public and private actors and organizations worldwide, from individual artists, existing initiatives, and commercial entities to not-for-profit organizations, from the big shoots to the grassroots for climate action.  

It is our belief that only by working together can we make a lasting impact on how the visual arts sector functions, and facilitate a system change that aspires to influence public activity and political systems.     

ACCA will be a democratic and inclusive alliance inviting both the public and commercial visual arts sectors to take part whilst also serving as a bridge to United Nations political action.   

As an alliance, we will strive: 

  • to implement environmental values as central to sector practices 

  • to reduce the negative environmental impact of developing, producing, transporting, and exhibiting visual art 

  • to support sector adaptation and future resilience  

  • to drive for a green and environmentally just future 

ACCA specifically sets out to uplift and support the ACCA Community and future Signatories with resources, knowledge, and capacities to enhance collaboration, interconnection, and climate action.  

Drawing on the expertise of the entire visual art sector supply chain, ACCA strives to become a network of networks and resource of resources. We intend to accelerate actions that stakeholders cannot achieve alone; advocate for collaboration and interconnection; to challenge current structural constraints stakeholders face; advance negotiations with related industries, alongside network facilitation and political advocacy. In doing so, ACCA facilitates good governance of the visual arts sector’s green transition and seeks to steer political and collective action.